Creative duo Jade Keshia Gordon and Martha Omasoro have teamed up to capture the joy, excitement and anticipation that football fans have about the 2023 Women’s World Cup.
This thought-provoking campaign highlights and brings to life the importance of women’s football and reflections from fans as to how they perceive it and what changes can be made for the future of the sport to continue championing women.
“Momentum On is a philosophy we associate with the support and championing of sports played by women. It’s a simple belief. That we should keep the momentum (support/coverage) going whenever women are playing sports in order to inspire the next generation of athletes.”
This exhibition is available for public viewing here at Queen of The South and will later be followed by a panel discussion, hosted by the duo to explore this philosophy alongside those who are currently championing women’s football. #MomentumOn From 6pm till Late!
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